To celebrate the auspicious occasion many cricketers took to their social media and shared adorable pictures with their wives. Indian captain Virat Kohli shared a picture with his wife Anushka Sharma with a caption that reads, “The ones who fast together laugh together” and wished all the married couples a happy Karwa Chauth.
Shikhar Dhawan also took to his social media and shared a lovely picture with his wife Aesha Dhawan and wished other couples on the occasion. Dhawan tweeted, “Happy #KarwaChauth my love, you are far but still always close to me. Cannot wait to see you soon. love u lots #AeshaDhawan. Wishing all other married couples as well. May God bless you all with a peaceful long life together.”
India vice-captain Rohit Sharma couldn’t resist his excitement, and he also shared a cute photo of his with wife Ritika Sajdeh.