Recently at an event in Mumbai, MS Dhoni spoke about his return to cricket and said that it anything can be said only after January 2020, but the former cricketer and BCCI (the Board of Control for Cricket in India) President Sourav Ganguly on Friday said that there was “absolute clarity” among the team on how to deal with the former captain’s future.
He also said that there’s enough time to decide on Dhoni’s future. Ganguly in a statemet said, “We will see what happens, there’s enough time. Of course it will get clear (within three months).”
Further Ganguly said, “There is clarity, but certain things cannot be said on public platform. There is absolute clarity on MS Dhoni and you’ll find out in time. There’s transparency between the Board, MS and the selectors. When you deal with such champions — MS Dhoni is an unbelievable athlete for India — certain things have to be kept within the closed doors. It’s very transparent and everybody knows where they stand.”